Version 0.0.3 Released

June 1, 2009 | Joshua Martin

Today marks the release of version 0.0.3 of Liberatio; this release is the important break from Java Web services and the migration to JXTA for all network communications.

We've also adopted the new logo and colors with the goal of creating Liberatio's professional image to the community (and to the businesses who we hope will use Liberatio).

New Liberatio Logo and Colors

June 1, 2009 | Joshua Martin

We've created a nice logo for the Liberatio software project in order to create a professional image for Liberatio and its community. As part of the image building process we've adopted a standard color scheme for Liberatio.

Liberatio Logo

The primary color is blue (#5599ff) with gray and black (your preference) for backgrounds and borders.


Liberatio is an open source systems management application built on Java.

more info

what makes liberatio different?

First and foremost, Liberatio is open source, costing you nothing. This sets Liberatio apart from the other players like Novell ZENWorks and NetSupport Manager.

Liberatio is also cross platform since it runs on the Java platform.

Just as significantly, Liberatio uses JXTA for communication - meaning that network obstacles like firewalls and NAT are no problem for cross network inventory, remote desktop, and remote package management.

Liberatio also uses Hibernate for data persistence; use any database supported by Hibernate!